Mobile App Analysis and Testing
Recent papers related to mobile app analysis and testing. Feel free to make contribution to this repository (e.g., adding new papers) by creating pull requests.
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- Automated Accessibility Analysis of Dynamic Content Changes on Mobile Apps
- EP-Detector: Automatic Detection of Error-prone Operation Anomalies in Android Applications
- Mobile Application Coverage: The 30% Curse and Ways Forward
- Scenario-Driven and Context-Aware Automated Accessibility Testing for Android Apps
- The Design Smells Breaking the Boundary between Android Variants and AOSP
- TacDroid: Detection of Illicit Apps through Hybrid Analysis of UI-based Transition Graphs
- PacDroid: A Pointer-Analysis-Centric Framework for Security Vulnerabilities in Android Apps
- SeeAction: Towards Reverse Engineering How-What-Where of HCI Actions from Screencasts for UI Automation
- Automated Generation of Accessibility Test Reports from Recorded User Transcripts
- Does GenAI Make Usability Testing Obsolete?
- General and Practical Property-based Testing for Android Apps [pdf], [repo]
- Navigating Mobile Testing Evaluation: A Comprehensive Statistical Analysis of Android GUI Testing Metrics
- A Longitudinal Analysis Of Replicas in the Wild Wild Android
- DroidCoder: Enhanced Android Code Completion with Context-Enriched Retrieval-Augmented Generation
- Giving without Notifying: Assessing Compliance of Data Transmission in Android Apps
- How Does Code Optimization Impact Third-party Library Detection for Android Applications?
- MaskDroid: Robust Android Malware Detection with Masked Graph Representations
- Beyond Manual Modeling: Automating GUI Model Generation Using Design Documents
- Deeply Reinforcing Android GUI Testing with Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Prompting Is All Your Need: Automated Android Bug Replay with Large Language Models
- Attention! Your Copied Data is Under Monitoring: A Systematic Study of Clipboard Usage in Android Apps
- Comprehensive Semantic Repair of Obsolete GUI Test Scripts for Mobile Applications
- Learning-based Widget Matching for Migrating GUI Test Cases
- Make LLM a Testing Expert: Bringing Human-like Interaction to Mobile GUI Testing via Functionality-aware Decisions
- On Using GUI Interaction Data to Improve Text Retrieval-based Bug Localization
- Practical Non-Intrusive GUI Exploration Testing with Visual-based Robotic Arms
- Semantic GUI Scene Learning and Video Alignment for Detecting Duplicate Video-based Bug Reports
- Automatically Detecting Reflow Accessibility Issues in Responsive Web Pages
- CrashTranslator: Automatically Reproducing Mobile Application Crashes Directly from Stack Trace
- MotorEase: Automated Detection of Motor Impairment Accessibility Issues in Mobile App UIs
- Mobile Bug Report Reproduction via Global Search on the App UI Model
- Component Security Ten Years Later: An Empirical Study of Cross-Layer Threats in Real-World Mobile Applications
- Investigating Documented Privacy Changes in Android OS
- Guardian: A Runtime Framework for LLM-based UI Exploration
- Call Graph Soundness in Android Static Analysis
- Feedback-Driven Automated Whole Bug Report Reproduction for Android Apps
- NativeSummary: Summarizing Native Binary Code for Inter-language Static Analysis of Android Apps
- Synthesis-based Enhancement for GUI Test Case Migration
- Toward the Automated Localization of Buggy Mobile App UIs from Bug Descriptions
- Fine-Grained In-Context Permission Classification for Android Apps using Control-Flow Graph Embedding
- ReuNify: A Step Towards Whole Program Analysis for React Native Android App
- Scene-Driven Exploration and GUI Modeling for Android Apps
- Vision-based Widget Mapping for Test Migration across Mobile Platforms: Are We There Yet?
- Automated Fixing of Web UI Tests via Iterative Element Matching [pdf]
- An Empirical Study of Functional Bugs in Android Apps [pdf], [repo]
- Automatically Reproducing Android Bug Reports using Natural Language Processing and Reinforcement Learning [pdf], [website], [tool]
- ConfFix: Repairing Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps [pdf], [repo]
- DDLDroid: Efficiently Detecting Data Loss Issues in Android Apps [artifact]
- Guided Retraining to Enhance the Detection of Difficult Android Malware
- Precise and Efficient Patch Presence Test for Android Applications against Code Obfuscation
- ωTest: WebView-Oriented Testing for Android Applications [pdf], [repo]
- COLUMBUS: Android App Testing Through Systematic Callback Exploration [pdf]
- Compatibility Issue Detection for Android Apps Based on Path-Sensitive Semantic Analysis [pdf]
- PTPDroid: Detecting Violated User Privacy Disclosures to Third-Parties of Android Apps
- AidUI: Toward Automated Recognition of Dark Patterns in User Interfaces [pdf]
- BADGE: Prioritizing UI Events with Hierarchical Multi-Armed Bandits for Automated UI Testing [pdf]
- Context-aware Bug Reproduction for Mobile Apps
- Demystifying Privacy Policy of Third-Party Libraries in Mobile Apps
- Detecting Dialog-Related Keyboard Navigation Failures in Web Applications
- Dependency Facade: The Coupling and Conflicts between Android Framework and Its Customization
- Efficiency Matters: Speeding Up Automated Testing with GUI Rendering Inference [pdf]
- Ex pede Herculem: Augmenting Activity Transition Graph for Apps via Graph Convolution Network
- Fill in the Blank: Context-aware Automated Text Input Generation for Mobile GUI Testing [pdf]
- Read It, Don’t Watch It: Captioning Bug Recordings Automatically [pdf]
- Automata-based Trace Analysis for Aiding Diagnosing GUI Testing Tools for Android
- Automated and Context-Aware Repair of Color-Related Accessibility Issues for Android Apps
- Property-based Fuzzing for Finding Data Manipulation Errors in Android Apps
- ViaLin: Path-Aware Dynamic Taint Analysis for Android
- Accelerating OCR-Based Widget Localization for Test Automation of GUI Applications
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of Android ICC Resolution Techniques
- Automatically Detecting Visual Bugs in HTML5 Games
- Groundhog: An Automated Accessibility Crawler for Mobile Apps
- The Metamorphosis: Automatic Detection of Scaling Issues for Mobile Apps
- VITAS : Guided Model-based VUI Testing of VPA Apps
- PermDroid: automatically testing permission-related behaviour of Android applications.
- Detecting and fixing data loss issues in Android apps
- Automatically detecting API-induced compatibility issues in Android apps: a comparative analysis (replicability study)
- NCScope: hardware-assisted analyzer for native code in Android apps
- Detecting resource utilization bugs induced by variant lifecycles in Android
- APER: Evolution-Aware Runtime Permission Misuse Detection for Android Apps.
- Demystifying Android Non-SDK APls: Measurement and Understanding
Difuzer: Uncovering Suspicious Hidden Sensitive Operations in Android Apps
- GIFdroid: Automated Replay of Visual Bug Reports for Android Apps
- JuCify: A Step Towards Android Code Unification for Enhanced Static Analysis
- Large-scale Security Measurements on the Android Firmware Ecosystem
- PROMAL: Precise Window Transition Graphs for Android via Synergy of Program Analysis and Machine Learning
- Towards Automatically Repairing Compatibility Issues in Published Android Apps
- Use of Test Doubles in Android Testing: An In-Depth Investigation
- Analyzing User Perspectives on Mobile App Privacy at Scale
- DescribeCtx: Context-Aware Description Synthesis for Sensitive Behaviors in Mobile
- Domain-Specific Analysis of Mobile App Reviews Using Keyword-Assisted Topic Models
- Fast and Precise Application Code Analysis using a Partial Library
- Where is Your App Frustrating Users
- AccessiText: Automated Detection of Text Accessibility Issues in Android Apps
- Detecting Non-crashing Functional Bugs in Android Apps via Deep-State Differential Analysis
- Cross-Device Record and Replay for Android Apps
- Cross-Language Android Permission Specification
- Toward Interactive Bug Reporting for (Android App) End-Users
- Avgust: Automating Usage-Based Test Generation from Videos of App Executions
- Characterizing and Detecting Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps
- Finding the Missing Piece: Permission Specification Analysis for Android NDK
- Automated Repair for Size-Based Inaccessibility Issues in Mobile Apps
- Deep GUI: Black-box GUI Input Generation with Deep Learning
- UI Test Migration Across Mobile Platforms
- An Infrastructure Approach to Improving Effectiveness of Android UI Testing Tools [pdf]
- GUIDER: GUI Structure and Vision Co-Guided Test Script Repair for Android Apps [pdf]
- Semantic Matching of GUI Events for Test Reuse: Are We There Yet?[pdf]
- Understanding and Finding System Setting-Related Defects in Android Apps [pdf]
- ATVHunter: Reliable Version Detection of Third-Party Libraries for Vulnerability Identification in Android Apps [pdf]
- An Empirical Analysis of UI-based Flaky Tests [pdf]
- An Empirical Assessment of Global COVID-19 Contact Tracing Applications [pdf]
- An Empirical Study on Deployment Faults of Deep Learning Based Mobile Applications [pdf]
- App's Auto-Login Function Security Testing via Android OS-Level Virtualization [pdf]
- Automatically Matching Bug Reports With Related App Reviews [pdf]
- Don't Do That! Hunting Down Visual Design Smells in Complex UIs against Design Guidelines [pdf]
- Layout and Image Recognition Driving Cross-Platform Automated Mobile Testing [pdf]
- It Takes Two to Tango: Combining Visual and Textual Information for Detecting Duplicate Video-Based Bug Reports [pdf]
- Prioritize Crowdsourced Test Reports via Deep Screenshot Understanding [pdf]
- RAICC: Revealing Atypical Inter-Component Communication in Android Apps [pdf]
- IMGDroid: Detecting Image Loading Defects in Android Applications [pdf]
- Benchmarking Automated GUI Testing for Android against Real-World Bugs [pdf]
- Checking Conformance of Applications against GUI Policies [pdf]
- Data-Driven Accessibility Repair Revisited: On the Effectiveness of Generating Labels for Icons in Android Apps [pdf]
- An Empirical Study of GUI Widget Detection for Industrial Mobile Games [pdf]
- Fully Automated Functional Fuzzing of Android Apps for Detecting Non-Crashing Logic Bugs [pdf]
- Seven Reasons Why: An In-Depth Study of the Limitations of Random Test Input Generation for Android
- UI obfuscation and its effects on automated UI analysis for Android apps
- Automated third-party library detection for Android applications: are we there yet?
- Owl eyes: spotting UI display issues via visual understanding [pdf]
- Test automation in Open-Source Android Apps: A Large-Scale Empirical Study
- ER Catcher: A Static Analysis Framework for Accurate and Scalable Event-Race Detection in Android [pdf]
- Speeding up GUI Testing by On-Device Test Generation
- Data loss detector: automatically revealing data loss bugs in Android apps
- Automated classification of actions in bug reports of mobile apps
- LABLEDROID: Unblind your apps: predicting natural-language labels for mobile GUI components by deep learning [pdf]
- Translating video recordings of mobile app usages into replayable scenarios
- Multiple-entry testing of Android applications by constructing activity launching contexts
- How Android developers handle evolution-induced API compatibility issues: a large-scale study
- ComboDroid: generating high-quality test inputs for Android apps via use case combinations
- RoScript: a visual script driven truly non-intrusive robotic testing system for touch screen applications
- Time-travel testing of Android apps [pdf]
- An empirical assessment of security risks of global Android banking apps
- Accessibility issues in Android apps: state of affairs, sentiments, and ways forward
- Collaborative bug finding for Android apps
- All Your App Links Are Belong to Us: Understanding the Threats of Instant Apps Based Attacks [pdf]
- Automated Construction of Energy Test Oracles for Android [pdf]
- Object Detection for Graphical User Interface: Old Fashioned or Deep Learning or a Combination? [pdf]
- Static Asynchronous Component Misuse Detection for Android Applications [pdf]
- Humanoid: a deep learning-based approach to automated black-box Android app testing
- Test transfer across mobile apps through semantic mapping
- Goal-driven exploration for Android applications
- Randr: Record and replay for android applications via targeted runtime instrumentation
- LIRAT: layout and image recognition driving automated mobile testing of cross-platform
- DaPanda: detecting aggressive push notifications in Android apps
- Test migration between mobile apps with similar functionality
- MutAPK: source-codeless mutant generation for Android apps
- Automating app review response generation
- A qualitative analysis of Android taint-analysis results
- OAuthLint: an empirical study on OAuth bugs in Android applications
- Demystifying application performance management libraries for Android
- Characterizing Android app signing issues
- SARA: self-replay augmented record and replay for Android in industrial cases
- Improving random GUI testing with image-based widget detection
- TestMig: migrating GUI test cases from iOS to Android
- Mining Android crash fixes in the absence of issue- and change-tracking systems
- LibID: reliable identification of obfuscated third-party Android libraries
- QADroid: regression event selection for Android applications
- Learning user interface element interactions
- IconIntent: automatic identification of sensitive UI widgets based on icon classification for Android apps [pdf]
- Mimic: UI compatibility testing system for Android apps [pdf]
- Search-based energy testing of Android
- Practical GUI testing of Android applications via model abstraction and refinement
- Towards understanding and reasoning about Android interoperations
- An empirical study of android test generation tools in industrial cases
- Understanding and detecting evolution-induced compatibility issues in Android apps
- Understanding and detecting callback compatibility issues for Android applications
- Efficiently manifesting asynchronous programming errors in Android apps
- On adopting linters to deal with performance concerns in Android apps
- Self-protection of Android systems from inter-component communication attacks
- A tale of two cities: how WebView induces bugs to Android applications [pdf]
- Characterizing and identifying misexposed activities in Android applications
- Dual-force: understanding WebView malware via cross-language forced execution
- Automatically translating bug reports into test cases for mobile apps
- LAND: a user-friendly and customizable test generation tool for Android apps
- CiD: automating the detection of API-related compatibility issues in Android apps
- Test migration for efficient large-scale assessment of mobile app coding assignments
- Automated reporting of GUI design violations for mobile apps
- Leveraging program analysis to reduce user-perceived latency in mobile applications
- Software protection on the go: a large-scale empirical study on mobile app obfuscation
- Repairing crashes in Android apps
- DetReduce: minimizing Android GUI test suites for regression testing
- Augusto: exploiting popular functionalities for the generation of semantic GUI tests with Oracles [pdf]
- Robust Relational Layouts Synthesis from Examples for Android [pdf]
- SimplyDroid: efficient event sequence simplification for Android application
- EHBDroid: beyond GUI testing for Android applications
- Sketch-guided gui test generation for mobile applications
- Systematically testing background services of mobile apps
- UI driven Android application reduction
- ANDROFLEET: testing WiFi peer-to-peer mobile apps in the large
- Automated cross-platform inconsistency detection for mobile apps
- Systematic reduction of GUI test sequences
- EventFlowSlicer: a tool for generating realistic goal-driven GUI tests
- Crowd intelligence enhances automated mobile testing
- Data flow oriented UI testing: exploiting data flows and UI elements to test Android applications
- Semi-automated discovery of server-based information oversharing vulnerabilities in Android applications
- Analysis and testing of notifications in Android wear applications
- Adaptive unpacking of Android apps
- Automatic text input generation for mobile testing
- LibD: scalable and precise third-party library detection in android markets
- Automated model-based Android GUI testing using multi-level GUI comparison criteria
- Reflection-aware static analysis of Android apps
- Taming Android fragmentation: characterizing and detecting compatibility issues for Android apps
- Relda2: an effective static analysis tool for resource leak detection in Android apps.
- Monkey see, monkey do: effective generation of GUI tests with inferred macro events
- Sapienz: multi-objective automated testing for Android applications
- DroidRA: taming reflection to support whole-program analysis of Android apps
- Energy-aware test-suite minimization for android apps
- Reducing combinatorics in GUI testing of android applications
- MobiPlay: a remote execution based record-and-replay tool for mobile applications
- VDTest: an automated framework to support testing for virtual devices
- PRADA: prioritizing android devices for apps by mining large-scale usage data
- Understanding and detecting wake lock misuses for Android applications
- DiagDroid: Android performance diagnosis via anatomizing asynchronous executions
- Minimizing GUI event traces
- What would users change in my app? summarizing app reviews for recommending software changes
- Finding Resume and Restart Errors in Android Applications [pdf]
Reproduce Flaky Tests
- LIRAT: Layout and Image Recognition Driving Automated Mobile Testing of Cross-Platform (ASE ‘19)
- SARA: Self-Replay Augmented Record and Replay for Android in Industrial Cases (ISSTA ‘19)
- Record and replay for Android: are we there yet in industrial cases? (ESEC/FSE ‘17)
- RANDR: Record and Replay for Android Applications via Targeted Runtime Instrumentation (ASE ‘19)
- Translating video recordings of mobile app usages into replayable scenarios (ICSE ‘20)
- Versatile Yet Lightweight Record-and-replay for Android (OOPSLA ‘15)
- MobiPlay: A Remote Execution Based Record-and-replay Tool for Mobile Applications (ICSE ‘16)
- Mosaic: cross-platform user-interaction record and replay for the fragmented android ecosystem (ICSE ‘16)
- A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study of Flaky Tests(OOPSLA ‘20)
- An Empirical Analysis of UI-based Flaky Tests (ICSE ‘21)
- Concurrency-related Flaky Test Detection in Android Apps
- iDFlakies: A framework for detecting and partially classifying flaky tests (ICST ‘19)
- DeFlaker: Automatically detecting flaky tests (ICSE ‘18)
- Making system user interactive tests repeatable: when and what should we control? (ICSE ‘15)
- Who broke the build?: Automatically identifying changes that induce test failures in continuous integration at Google scale (ICSE ‘2017)
- Root causing flaky tests in a large-scale industrial setting (ISSTA ‘2019)
- A study on the lifecycle of flaky tests (ICSE ‘2020)
- What Causes My Test Alarm? Automatic Cause Analysis for Test Alarms in System and Integration Testing (ICSE ‘2017)
- Understanding flaky tests: The developers perspective (ESEC/FSE ‘2019)
- The impact of failing, flaky, and high failure tests on the number of crash reports associated with Firefox builds (ESEC/FSE ‘2018)
- Debugging the performance of Maven’s test isolation: Experience report(ISSTA ‘2020)
- Reliable testing: Detecting state-polluting tests to prevent test dependency (ISSTA ‘2015)
- Improving oracle quality by detecting brittle assertions and unused inputs in tests(FSE ‘2014)
- Detecting assumptions on deterministic implementations of non-deterministic specifications (ICST’2016)
- Empirically revisiting the test independence assumption (ISSTA’2014)
- Practical test dependency detection (ICST’2018)
- An empirical analysis of flaky tests (FSE’2014)
- iFixFlakies: A framework for automatically fixing order-dependent flaky tests (ESEC/FSE’2019)
- An Empirical Study of Flaky Tests in Android Apps (ICSME’2018)
GUI Test Reduction
- Efficient testing of GUI applications by event sequence reduction(Science of Computer Programming ‘2021)
- Understanding Ineffective Events and Reducing Test Sequences for Android Applications (TASE ‘2019)
- Event trace reduction for effective bug replay of Android apps via differential GUI state analysis (ESEC/FSE ‘2019)
- Context-based event trace reduction in client-side JavaScript applications (ICST ‘2018)
- DetReduce: minimizing Android GUI test suites for regression testing (ICSE ‘2018)
- SimplyDroid: Efficient event sequence simplification for android application (ASE ‘2017)
- Systematic reduction of GUI test sequences (ASE ‘2017)
- Constraint-based event trace reduction (FSE ‘2016)
- Minimizing GUI event traces (FSE ‘2016)
- On the use of delta debugging to reduce recordings and facilitate debugging of web applications (ESEC/FSE ‘2015)
Non-crashing Functional Bugs
- Data Loss Detector: Automatically Revealing Data Loss Bugs in Android Apps (ISSTA ‘2020)
- Understanding and finding system setting-related defects in Android apps (ISSTA ‘2021)
- QUANTUM: Automated Generation of Oracles for Testing User-Interaction Features of Mobile Apps (ICST ‘2014)
- Is this the lifecycle we really want?: an automated black-box testing approach for Android activities (INTUITESTBEDS 2018)
- UI Test Migration Across Mobile Platforms (ASE ‘21)
- Owl eyes: spotting UI display issues via visual understanding (ASE ‘20)
- Test migration between mobile apps with similar functionality (ASE ‘19)
- Sketch-guided gui test generation for mobile applications (ASE ‘17)
- EventFlowSlicer: a tool for generating realistic goal-driven GUI tests (ASE ‘17)
- QADroid: regression event selection for Android applications (ISSTA ‘2019)
- Monkey see, monkey do: effective generation of GUI tests with inferred macro events (ISSTA ‘2016)
- An Empirical Study of i18n Collateral Changes and Bugs in GUIs of Android apps (ICSME 2020)
Find non-crashing functional bugs
Automating GUI-based Test Oracles for Mobile Apps (MSR’24)
- A Study of Using Multimodal LLMs for Non-Crash Functional Bug Detection in Android Apps
- AUITestAgent: Automatic Requirements Oriented GUI Function Testing
- Vision-driven Automated Mobile GUI Testing via Multimodal Large Language Model
- Finding Deep-Hidden Bugs in Android Apps via Functional Semantics Guided Exploration (TASE’24)
- Extraction and empirical evaluation of GUI-level invariants as GUI Oracles in mobile app testing (IST’24)
- Fully Automated Functional Fuzzing of Android Apps for Detecting Non-Crashing Logic Bugs (OOPSLA ‘21)
- Understanding and finding system setting-related defects in Android apps (ISSTA ‘21)
- Data Loss Detector: Automatically Revealing Data Loss Bugs in Android Apps (ISSTA ‘20)
- Owl eyes: spotting UI display issues via visual understanding (ASE ‘20)
- Mimic: UI compatibility testing system for Android apps (ICSE ‘19)
- A tale of two cities: how WebView induces bugs to Android applications (ASE ‘18’)
- Finding Resume and Restart Errors in Android Applications (OOPSLA ‘16)
- THOR: Systematic Execution of Android Test Suites in Adverse Conditions (ISSTA ‘15)
- QUANTUM: Automated Generation of Oracles for Testing User-Interaction Features of Mobile Apps (ICST ‘14)
- IMGDroid: Detecting Image Loading Defects in Android Applications (ICSE ‘21)
- LiveDroid: Identifying and Preserving Mobile App State in Volatile Runtime Environments
others related bug study
- Runtime Permission Issues in Android Apps: Taxonomy, Practices, and Ways Forward
- Actor Concurrency Bugs: A Comprehensive Study on Symptoms, Root Causes, API Usages, and Differences (OOPSLA ‘2020)
- A Large-Scale Longitudinal Study of Flaky Tests (OOPSLA ‘2020)
Human-provided oracles to find non-crashing bugs
- THOR: Systematic Execution of Android Test Suites in Adverse Conditions (ISSTA ‘2015)
- ChimpCheck: property-based randomized test generation for interactive apps
- AppFlow: using machine learning to synthesize robust, reusable UI tests (ESEC/FSE ‘2018)
- Automation of Android applications functional testing using machine learning activities classification (MOBILESofT ‘2018)
- Test Migration Between Mobile Apps with Similar Functionality (ASE ‘2019)
- Test Transfer Across Mobile Apps Through Semantic Mapping (ASE ‘2019)
- Reinforcement Learning-Driven Test Generation for Android GUI Applications using Formal Specifications (ARXIV ‘2019)
- Augusto: exploiting popular functionalities for the generation of semantic GUI tests with Oracles (ICSE ‘2018)
- Automated test oracles for GUIs (FSE ‘2000)
- What Test Oracle Should I Use for Effective GUI Testing? (ASE ‘2003)
- Designing and comparing automated test oracles for GUI-based software applications (ACM Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol ‘2007)
- ReNaLART: Automating test oracles from restricted natural language agile requirements (Expert Syst. J. Knowl. Eng ‘2021)
Uses differential testing to overcome the oracle problem
- SPAG-C: On the Accuracy, Efficiency, and Reusability of Automated Test Oracles for Android Devices (IEEE Trans. Software Eng)
- DIFFDROID: Automated cross-platform inconsistency detection for mobile apps (ASE ‘2017)